Home People Enforcement Activities Anti Money Launderning and Terriest Financing
Home People Enforcement Activities Anti Money Launderning and Terriest Financing

Anti Money Launderning and Terriest Financing


FUNCTIONS of Enforcement Committee

1. Conduct regular supervision according to the onsite visit Schedule.
2. Collecting data and keeping records regarding onsite visits.
3. Undertaking joint supervision as deemed necessary by the FIU Team.
4. Take supervisory actions as per the Act and policy developed, publishing such actions, and communicating such actions with other supervisors
5. Conduct regular training and awareness sessions to the sector on their AML/CFT responsibilities, sector risk/vulnerabilities, new trends/ typologies


FUNCTIONS of Legal Draftsmen’s Committee

1. Draft the Guidelines, Manuals Leaflets, evaluation forms for conducting risk assessments and banners regarding AML/CFT.

2. Finalize reports for the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).


FUNCTIONS of Promotion Committee

1. Disseminate the Guidelines, Manuals Leaflets, evaluation form for conducting risk assessments and banners regarding AML/CFT to Gem Dealers via online channels and through SMS messages and publish on the official web site.
2. Maintain an up-to-date database.
3. Arrange the awareness programs